Read Online Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity By Charles L Marohn Jr

Read Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity By Charles L Marohn Jr

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Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity-Charles L Marohn Jr

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Ebook About
A new way forward for sustainable quality of life in cities of all sizes Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Build American Prosperity is a book of forward-thinking ideas that breaks with modern wisdom to present a new vision of urban development in the United States. Presenting the foundational ideas of the Strong Towns movement he co-founded, Charles Marohn explains why cities of all sizes continue to struggle to meet their basic needs, and reveals the new paradigm that can solve this longstanding problem. Inside, you’ll learn why inducing growth and development has been the conventional response to urban financial struggles—and why it just doesn’t work. New development and high-risk investing don’t generate enough wealth to support itself, and cities continue to struggle. Read this book to find out how cities large and small can focus on bottom-up investments to minimize risk and maximize their ability to strengthen the community financially and improve citizens’ quality of life. Develop in-depth knowledge of the underlying logic behind the “traditional” search for never-ending urban growth Learn practical solutions for ameliorating financial struggles through low-risk investment and a grassroots focus Gain insights and tools that can stop the vicious cycle of budget shortfalls and unexpected downturns Become a part of the Strong Towns revolution by shifting the focus away from top-down growth toward rebuilding American prosperity Strong Towns acknowledges that there is a problem with the American approach to growth and shows community leaders a new way forward. The Strong Towns response is a revolution in how we assemble the places we live.

Book Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity Review :

I'm a faithful supporter of the Strong Towns movement and deeply believe in the message of this book. I'm grateful that Chuck Marohn's guide to building productive and resilient communities has been codified in text.Overall, I strongly recommend this book and would like to buy copies for my friends and family to read. I do have to note, however, that I was distracted by a number of small typographical errors and the occasional ambiguous antecedent. These minor editing misses are the sole reason I am not giving this book 5 stars.I would happily provide a copy edit of this book, as I do believe Strong Towns is an essential read for understanding the impact and importance of the built environment around us.Sincerely,Matt S.
Do yourself--and your town or city--a favor. Read this book. Think about all the ways in which we have made housing unaffordable, our city budgets impossible, and our need for community greater than ever. And that all happened in the last last 100 years. Before that, we knew how to a neighborhood with everything we might need on a daily basis within walking distance. Family was nearby, as were friends. And now, not so much. Much if this happened in the post-war boom and thinking that "growth" would solve everything. It hasn't.Chuck Marohn takes on all that and much more. The book is an easy and provocative read, and there is a Kindle edition. But consider getting the hard-cover edition. You may want to lend it to others.

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